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Action Moves

Shardanagar Khanepani - Project Report (Nepali)

Chapter One

1.1       Background of the Fieldwork Study
            Nepal is recognized as the second richest country of the world in water resources. We have more small and large rivers. Still there are so many places in Nepal where a lot of people face the problems of fresh drinking water facilities. Our country and naturally rich but economically poor in the distinct feature. Above 80.03% or people are agricultural. So, due to lack of the financial and effectible project management. People living in various regions of Nepal are deprived of drinking water. Recently, some organizations are providing drinking water facilities to the community people with effective project management by the help of some foreign donor agencies.

1.2.      Introduction
            Government effort is not enough for rural and urban development. It should be implemented according to the aspirations of local people and from non-governmental organization. Some non-governmental organizations develop the project in our society by the help of foreign donor agencies.
            Among them, Shardanagar Yuba Club Nepal of Chitwan district is currently working specially in terai region. One of the major project of the organization is "Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project" in Shardanagar Village Development Committee. Ward No.5 of Chitwan District, in the financial support of FINNIDA.
            The project started in the Fiscal Year 2061/062 in Shardanagar V.D.C. 2 of Chitwan was 146 beneficiaries of 21 households. The total cost of the project is NRs. 4,22,722.22 (In Words. NRs. Four Laks Twenty Two Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Two and Twenty Tow Paisa only).
Among the total cost Rs. 4,22,722.22, the financial contribution of community is 1.42% of the total cost and the remaining 98.58% is contributed by FINNIDA, VDC and community (users) kind. the local community provides the materials like sand, pebbles and labours. The financial contribution is being collected in this (Development) phase of the project. the project is planned not only to provide drinking water bit also to deliver the awareness of sanitation and health with literacy classes. A few examples are the construction of the latrines, clean up programmers. distribution of medicines and inspection of nutrition of children. So it's a major contribution of Shardanagar Yuva Club-Nepal, in co-operation of FINNIDA, in planning to construct the overhead tank of fresh drinking water to facilitate the community people in such type of rural area. Which is in fact very rare in Nepal.
            The project is currently running at the development phase. Due to the geographical position and population of the proposed area, the project is planning o construct 4 taps inside the village.

1.3 Literature Survey
            Planning is predetermining future. It is the process of setting goals and choosing the action it achieves those goals. It attempts to define the path of organization. Planning indentifies and addresses the tasks required for accomplishment of project objectives. It acts as a road map for managing the project. It determines how the project objectives will be accomplished. It involves detailed design, budgeting, scheduling and allocation of resources. Project planning is concerned with looking ahead at the future work plan of a project. It is deciding in advance about.
"Planning as deciding in advance what to do? How to do it? When to do it? And who is to do it? It provides the ends to be achived."
            -Stephen.R. Robbins. Organizational Management
Kathmandu : Sukunda Pustak Bhawan
"Planning is the selecting and relationg of facts in the visualization and formation of proposed activities believed necessary of achieve desired result."
-Georgte.R.Terry. (Organizational Management)
Kathmandu : Sukunda Pustak Bhawan
"Project planning is the process of thinking through and making explicit the project's objectives. goal and strategies necessary to bring the project through its life cycle to successful termination when the project's product or service takes its right place in the execution of project owner strategies."
Cleland. David L., Project Management : Strategic Design and Implementation.
New : York : MeGraw-Hill. Inc. 1995.p.235
"Planning is the process of preparing for the commitment of resources in the most economical fashion and by preparing of allowing this commitment to be made less distributing."
E.k. Warren
"Planning is deciding who does, what, when, how, and why."
"Planning is a goal setting policy making, strategic Planning. Strategic decision making."

1.4       Purpose of the Fieldwork
            To study in detail about the planning of the project, the planning made by Shardanagar Youva Club-Nepal, in co-operation of FINNIDA about construction the overhead tank, latrines and water taps in different parts of community as well as sanitation awareness and clean up programmes is the main objective of propose of this work.
            We have said in earlier that the planning is the process of setting goals and choosing the means to achieve the set goals. but there are some points. in which we have to know practically to investigate the fact that there is always gap between what we are studying in the what we are achieving in practical knowledge. However, this gap doesn't make any harm to the project planning. Furthermore, this main objective of fieldwork study is also to view closely the planning and development of the project by visiting the community and convincing with the people but encouraging them to make the project successful in order to be satisfied for what they have contributed. So far, there are some proposes of fieldwork, which are stated below :  
            1.  To get knowledge of the facts which held in the organization with in a fixed time.
            2.  To know the difference between theoretical and practical knowledge of the project environment.
            3.  To increase the knowledge of communication skills and entrepreneurial skills by means of interactions.
            4.  To make ready for the administration and managerial work etc.
                 Further, there are some purpose of planning of the project :
            1.  In what type of way Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project have started?
            2.  What type of process has been done in this project till now?
So to have an answer for such type of critical question. It is very important to prepare a report, which is the main crown of this fieldwork.

1.5       Fieldwork Procedure
            Analytical attempt. in perfect way is somehow difficult. There are seems heterogeneous in data. Long distance between the fields. Short time period and such other difficulty bring difficulties to bring our the fieldwork report in an agreeable manner. The entire activities have been divided into three parts.

1.5.1    Study Phase
            In this phase, the necessary qustionnaires about the project were prepared in order to get necessary date and information for the preparation of the field work report. The work site of the project was observed to known the geographical environment of the project site but taking permission of the project chairperson. After the several field visits the questions were asked the community workers and local people in order to get the necessary information for writing the field work report. Relevant data are collected and overviewed. In includes how many people are benefited by the organization.

1.5.3    Post-Fieldwork Activities
            After getting necessary information and data about the concerned project from the higher and lower staffs like project president, labors etc. the final report was prepared.

Chapter Two
Research Methodology

2.1       Methods of the Data Collection
            Data collection is the process, which is essential for statistical investigations. Without statistical investigation, it is impossible to collect the actual and true information. To identify the management and planning of the project two types of data collections are followed :
            1.  Primary data
            2.  Secondary Data
            Obviously, there are lot of differences in the method of collection of Primary data and Secondary Data. In the case of Primary data. Which is to be collected originally. The entire scheme of the plan with the definition of various items used, extend of accuracy aimed at etc. is to be formulated whereas the collection of secondary data is the form of more compilation of the existing data.

2.1.1    Primary Data
            Primary data are such types of data which are obtain by the direct personal investigation, indirect oral interviews and local agencies. Among all of the above mentioned methods, direct personal investigation is appropriate as we can visit field personally for making inquires and gathering information from the beneficiaries. The information gathered from such investigation  is original in nature.

2.1.2    Secondary Data
            Secondary data in thus defined data collected earlier for a purpose other than are currently being perused. Secondary data refers to those of already gathered by others. The secondary data can be divided into two go internal and external. The internal secondary data are found within complete sources of such data include sales information, accounting data internally generated research report, And external secondary data are outside the company such data's sources may include books. period published report, data service and computer data books.
2.2       Limitations of the Study
            Different types of limitation may be arisen in the process of preparing report So, at first we determine the boundary and perform keep with boundry. But on the process of report some activities, problem and arisen un-thoughtful which is known as Limitation. According to the course of our study. We have encouraged ourselves and complete the report in selected topic with limited requirement within certain time. Thus. This fieldwork survey has been limited on "Planning Management" "Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project" and various factors a being ignored in the study.

 Chapter Three
Presentation and Analysis of Data

3.1       Presentation of the Data
            Those data which was collected from this project at preparing this fieldwork report, appropriate to present here. Diagrams are needless to say more attractive, fascinating and impressive then the set of numerical data. They are more appealing to the eye and leave a much lasting impression on the mind as compared to the dry and uninteresting statistical figure. So here the Pie chart and bar diagram are shown with more information about the project.

General Information of the Project
Source type
Storage tank capacity provided
Total cost
Total Population (Base Year 2057)
Total Population (Degin year 2077)
No. of Taps
No. of latrines
No. of households
No . of intake
No. of collection chamber
Population per tap (Average)
Table No.1

Reservior Tank Sizing
(Continuous System : Using Consuption Pattern)
Storage Tank No.                                                        1
Stand Post Numbers                                                    20 nos.
Supplied Through this Tank                                        0.60 l/s
Supply Flow to Tank from source                               0.20 l/s
Design Demand to be Supplied Through Tank           0.14 l/s
Time From
Period To
Water Consumption
Supply (Litre)
Demand (Litre)
Supply (Litre)
5:00 AM
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
12:00 N
12:00 N
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
5:00 AM
Table No. 2
Maximum difference between cumulative supply and cumulative demand

3.2       Source of Fund
Shardanagar water supply and sanitation project collected the fund from many sources for its purpose. Mainly FINNIDA supported it in financial condition and other various sectors are the sources of this project. They are listed below :
Income Sources of Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project
Amount Rs.
Village Development Committee
user's contribution (Kind)
Table No. 3
Income Sources of Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project in
Pie – Chart
Figure No.1

Income Source of Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project in
Bar – Diagram
Figure No. 2
This water supply project is not very big. The total cost of the project is Rs.422722.00 only. In order to build up this project, there is FINNIDA including 54.22% of total cost. Shardanagar VDC including 10.36%, the local community including 1.42% and users including 34% of the total cost.

3.3       Cost Contribution
            The cost of this project contributes in the construction of the tank and sanitation. The expenses details of the SWSSP are :
Expenses Details of Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project
Amount Rs.
Scheme materials cost
Labour expenses
Other activities and materials
Staff expenses
Sanitation expenses
Table No.4

Expenses of Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project in
Pie – Chart
Figure No.3
Expenses of Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project in
Bar – Diagram
Figure No.4

3.4       Analysis of Data
            After analyzing the field report, we find that, there is effective planning of project in Shardanagar V.D.C-5. As the overhead tank is constructing is in fact a difficult on while constructing the planning made by SYC is very well organized. Although the water source is 710m. Away from the village, the community people are motivated  to use their effort to bring water to the reservoir tank through pipes. The total distribution line is 1088 m long. In sanitation point of view, to raise awareness among the ignorant villagers several sanitation programs are planned. Meanwhile for literacy, classes are conducting as well. As the water supply project is not so much very big, the total cost of the project also is not  so high i.e. Rs.4,22,722.22 only. In order to build up the project there is a massive contribution of the community including 1.42% of total cost and local materials with labors. in this way the project is planed effectively.
3.5 study result.
after studying the whole field report the planning made by SYC is very well organized and we must appreciate it. the project currently constructing according to the planning made. Although the project is not very big. yet the community people must be aware to look after it for its sustainability. So even after the project is completed there must be effective management and planning for its repair and maintenance to run the project successfully in the future. Despite of these: the planning made for its construction is really outstanding. the community contribution of this project is a good sign of its sustainability. we hope that the planned project will be successful in the future and the efforts made by community people have significant consequences.

 Chapter Four
Summary & Conclusions

4.1 Summary
            The water supply project in this Shardanagar V.D.C -5 of chitwan district is constructing but Shardanagar Yuva Club (SYC) in support of FINNIDA. The approach made by SYC to look after the rural area is one of the appreciable works. As the people of this area are deprived of better drinking water and sanitation, the problem will be solved in the future. The project will help them not only to provide fresh and pure drinking buy also to increase their income generating activities through different mediums like vegetable garden, irrigation, cattle farming etc. The project is also to give education to reduce this ignorance and to increase the awareness about better sanitation programs within a water supply project. which is planned for different reasons like providing drinking water, maintenance of better sanitation and health, as a whole we cas say it a successful planning of the project.

4.2 Conclusion
            At last we came to at end of the field report. We came to know that for planning and building of the project there are significant contributions from the donor (NGO "FINNIDA" along with SYC as well as the community people. The most important thing of this project is well organized polices, definite procedures and well defined principles. The impressive thing we can notice in this project is community contributions and manpower mobilization from supporting organization, which is a better sign of effective management and sustainability of the project. As the project is under the boundary of community the project will be no doubt constructing well and people will be facilitated by pure drinking water better sanitation and course quality education.
In the developing country like Nepal such projects play major role to bring changes in life of people surroundings. We wish to shardanagar Yuva Club-Nepal and FINNIDA for every success in future to be able to conduct such project in other parts of the country also.

4.3. Recommendation
The researched project has been able to provide better water facility to the people. such project plays an important role for the improvement of the livelihood of the society . The project has not only provided pure water facility but has also assisted in creating awareness regarding safe water and community health. so more such project has to constructed in the deficit area. Moreover more priority regarding the awareness about the important of pure water should also be giving due preference and take into consideration.

1.               Cleland, david. l, (1967). Project management :strategic design and implementation. New York McGraw-Hill, inc. 1995,p.235
2.               Chaudhary, s(1998). Project management. 7 West patelnagar, New Delhi: Tata McGrow Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
3.               Karki, Rajendra (2000) Project Management. Bhotahity, Kathmandu: M.K. Publisher and distributors.
4.               Kerzner, Herold, (1987) Project Management, A system approach to planning, scheduling and controlling. New Delhi: CBS Publisher and distributors.
5.               Knootz, Herold and Weihrich Heinz (1990) Essential of Management, (2nd Edition) New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing co.
6.               Pant, Prem R. (1998) Fieldwork assignment and report writing. Kathmandu.
7.               Chandra, Prashna, Projects: Planning Analysis, Selection Implementation & Review. tata McGrow-Hill New Delhi (1998)
8.               Joy, P.K. (1999), Total Project Management: the Indian context New Delhi.

1.1        What are the benefits do you achieve after the completion of this project?
1.2        What are the problems you have faced to complete this project?
1.3        Do you agree with the quote "Every Project has Risk and Uncertainty"?
1.4        Do we need life Eycle Phase in any project. if yes then which one is more important?
1.5        What do you think about the participatory approach within a project.

Table of content
Subject                                                                                                                        Page No.
List of tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1: Introduction                                                                                              1-7
            1.1 Background of the fieldwork study.                                                          1
            1.2 Introduction                                                                                              1
            1.3 Literature survey                                                                                      2.
            1.4 Purpose of fieldwork study                                                                       5.
            1.5 Fieldwork procedure                                                                                 6.
                    1.5.1 Initial phase                                                                                    6
                    1.5.2 Study phase                                                                                    6.
                    1.5.3 Post-Fieldwork activities                                                                7
Chapter 2: Research Methodology                                                                             8-9
            2.1 Methods of data collection                                                                       8
                    2.1.1 Primary data                                                                                  8
                    2.1.2 Secondary data                                                                               8
                    2.2 Limitation of the study                                                                              9
Chapter 3: Presentation and analysis of data                                                                    10-17
                    3.1 Presentation of the data                                                                           10
                    3.2 Sources of fund                                                                                         11
                    3.3 Cost Contribution                                                                                      14
                    3.4 Analysis of data                                                                                         16
                    3.5 Study Result                                                                                              17
Chapter 4: Summary and conclusions                                                                                18-19
                    4.1 Summary                                                                                                   18
                    4.2 Conclusion                                                                                                 18
                    4.3 Recommendations                                                                                    19
Bibliography                                                                                                                       20
Appendix                                                                                                                             21

List of Tables
Table                                                                                                                           Page No.
1.         General Information of the Project                                                                            7
2.         Reservoir Tank Sizing                                                                                                  8
3.         Income Sources of Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project                     8
4.         Expenses Details of Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project                    10

List of Figures
Figures                                                                                                                                    Page No.
1.         Income Source of Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project in
Pie-Chart                                                                                                                     9
2.         Income Source of Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project in
Bar-Diagram                                                                                                               9
3.         Expenses of Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project in
Pie-Chart                                                                                                                     10
4.         Expenses of Shardanagar Water Supply and Sanitation Project in
Bar-Diagram                                                                                                               11

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